Papel de Passiflora edulis (maracuyá) en el control de la presión arterial: posibles mecanismos moleculares

Role of Passiflora edulis (passion fruit) in the control of blood pressure: possible molecular mechanisms


  • Josué Salomón García-Villacorta García-Villacorta Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
  • Gonzalo Alberto Guarniz-Poma Guarniz-Poma Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
  • Bryan Anthony Guevara-Llanos Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
  • Leydi Thays González-Angulo Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
  • Ángel Alejandro González-Bazán Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
  • José Manuel García-Moreno Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
  • Ángel Alfredo Larios-Canto Médico del Departamento de Anestesiología, Hospital Belén de Trujillo. Docente asociado del Curso de Nutrición, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Magister en ciencias



Passiflora, Arterial Pressure, Flavonoids, Oxidative Stress


Passiflora edulis (passion fruit) is a plant whose fruit has a high biological value as it contains a large amount of polyphenols, the most important of which are flavonoids that act as powerful antioxidants against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies have highlighted its antihypertensive role, even comparing it to hypotensive drugs. Arterial hypertension is one of the diseases that causes the greatest mortality and the most widespread worldwide. It is caused by endothelial dysfunction between vascular constrictor and relaxant factors, as a result of oxidative stress caused by the overproduction of reactive oxygen species. Flavonoids reduce the formation of free radicals by inhibiting NADPH oxidase; they also increase the activity of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), increasing the vasodilation promoted by nitric oxide and providing a response capacity to endothelial damage by increasing intracellular calcium, which further stimulates vasodilation. They also exert a diuretic action and significantly increase urine flow, glomerular filtration and Na+ and K+ excretion. This diuretic effect, added to the antioxidant effect, would explain the plant's antihypertensive activity.



How to Cite

García-Villacorta JSG-V, Guarniz-Poma GAG-P, Guevara-Llanos BA, González-Angulo LT, González-Bazán Ángel A, García-Moreno JM, Larios-Canto Ángel A. Papel de Passiflora edulis (maracuyá) en el control de la presión arterial: posibles mecanismos moleculares: Role of Passiflora edulis (passion fruit) in the control of blood pressure: possible molecular mechanisms. Rev Med Trujillo [Internet]. 2022Feb.28 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(1):015-20. Available from:

