Existence and continuous dependence of solution of the Boussinesq wave equation in periodic Sobolev spaces





Family of strongly continuous operators, Boussinesq equation, Fourier Theory, Periodic Sobolev spaces


We will begin our study, focusing on the theory of periodic Sobolev spaces, for this we cite [1]. Then, we will prove that the non-homogeneous Boussinesq equation has a local solution and that the solution also continually depends on the initial data and non-homogeneity, we do this intuitively using Fourier theory and in an elegant version introducing families of strongly continuous operators, inspired by the work of Iorio [1], Santiago and Rojas [4], [3] and [2].


Iorio R, Iorio V. Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. Cambridge University, 2001.

Santiago Y, Rojas S. Existencia y dependencia continua de la solución de la ecuación de onda no homogénea en espacios de Sobolev Periódico. 2020; 07(01):52-73.

Santiago Y, Rojas S. Existencia y regularidad de solución de la ecuación del calor en espacios de Sobolev Periódico. Selecciones Matemáticas. 2019; 06(01):49-65.

Santiago Y, Rojas S. Regularity and wellposedness of a problem to one parameter and its behavior at the limit. Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society. 2017; 32(02):207-230.



How to Cite

Papuico Bernardo, V., & Santiago Ayala, Y. (2020). Existence and continuous dependence of solution of the Boussinesq wave equation in periodic Sobolev spaces. Selecciones Matemáticas, 7(01), 74-96. https://doi.org/10.17268/sel.mat.2020.01.07

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