The Selecciones Matemáticas adhere to the principles of the Code of Conduct of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE), The journal expect that editors, peer reviewers and authors rigorously follow best practices of ethical behavior contained therein and the COPE flowcharts to resolve cases of suspected misconduct.
The journal also follows recommendations contained in A Guide for Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Managing Editors and expect that authors who wish to publish in the Selecciones Matemáticas Journal must meet the criteria of the international standard for authors.
Most important points are presented below, but it is advisable to refer to original documents above.
1. Editors evaluate manuscripts submitted to the journal based solely on their merit (importance, originality, study’s validity, and clarity) and its relevance to the journal’s scope, without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, religious belief, political philosophy or institutional affiliation.
2. Decisions to edit and publish are not determined by the policies of governments or any other agencies outside of the journal itself. The editor-in-chief has full authority over the entire journal’s content and the timing of its publication.
3. Editors and editorial staff will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the authors, peer reviewers, potential peer reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate. Unless explicitly permitted by the authors in writing, editors and members of the editorial board will not use any unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript or ideas obtained as a result of handling the manuscript for their own purposes and advantage.
4. Editors will choose not to consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, companies or institutions connected to the papers.
5. The editors ensure that all submitted manuscripts being considered for publication undergo peer review by experts in the field. The editor-in-chief is responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be published, based on the validation of the work in question, its importance to researchers and readers, the reviewers’ comments, and legal requirements.
6. The editor-in-chief may consult other editors or reviewers in making decisions. Editors will take responsive measures when ethical concerns are raised with regard to a submitted manuscript or published paper, even if the issue is discovered years after publication.
Reviewer Instructions:
• Confidentiality: All manuscripts submitted for review must be treated as confidential documents. They should not be shown or discussed with others unless authorized by the publisher.
• Objectivity: Reviews must be carried out objectively. Critics must express their opinions clearly with adequate supporting arguments. Personal criticism of the authors will not be accepted.
• Identify relevants published works: The reviewrs must identify relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors. They should also indicate whether the observations or arguments have been previously published. Any similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published work must be reported to the editor.
• Review of methods: They must examine the adequacy and precision of the methods used in the study, as well as the interpretation of the results.
• Structure and presentation of the manuscript: They must evaluate the structure of the manuscript, the clarity of expression, the integrity of the data and the presentation of information.
• Conflict of interest statement: If reviewers have any potential conflicting interests with the research, authors, or institutions connected to the manuscript, they must notify the editor and opt out of the review process for that manuscript.
• Review time: Reviewers must complete their review in the time allotted by the editor. If they cannot meet this deadline, they must notify the editor and decline the invitation to review.
• Constructive feedback: Although reviewers can recommend acceptance, revision, or rejection of a manuscript, the final decision rests with the editors. Reviewers should provide feedback that helps authors improve their work, with sufficient objectivity to allow authors to take action to improve points noted.
• Ethical evaluation: Reviewers must consider and comment on possible ethical problems in the research. If misconduct is suspected, reviewers should inform the editor.
. Fill out the evaluation letter and upload to the OJS <evaluation>
Originality of the work: The submitted work is original, has not been previously published and has not been sent simultaneously for evaluation in another journal, nor is original material copied from other authors without their consent included. If the article contains material from other publications, you must attach the consent for its reproduction. Authors must ensure that they have written and submit only entirely original works by means of an affidavit (AFFIDAVIT).
Authors wishing to publish their papers in Selecciones Matematicas must abide to the following:
1. Any facts that might be perceived as a possible conflict of interest of the author(s) must be disclosed in the paper prior to submission. Potential conflicts of interest: financial such as honoraria, educational grants or other funding, membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership and others. All sources of financial support for the work should be disclosed.
2. Authors should accurately present their research findings and include an objective discussion of the significance of their findings.
3.Data and methods used in the research need to be presented in sufficient detail in the paper, so that other researchers can replicate the work.
4. Raw data should preferably be publicly deposited by the authors before submission of their manuscript. Authors need to at least have the raw data readily available for presentation to the referees and the editors of the journal, if requested. Authors need to ensure appropriate measures are taken so that raw data is retained in full for a reasonable time after publication.
5. Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to more than one journal is not tolerated.
6. When authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their own published work, it is their obligation to promptly notify the journal’s editors or publisher and cooperate with them to either correct the paper in the form of an erratum or retract the manuscript or article. If the editors or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains a significant error or inaccuracy, then it is the authors’ obligation to promptly correct or retract the paper or provide evidence to the journal editors of the correctness of the paper.
7. Your manuscript should not contain any information that has already been published. If you include already published figures or images, please obtain the necessary permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY license.
8. Plagiarism in all its forms, data fabrication and image manipulation constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Duplicate publications, redundant publication, text recycling, and self-plagiarism are also inappropriate practices and should be avoided.
9. All persons who made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript (such as technical help, writing and editing assistance, general support) but who do not meet the criteria for authorship must not be listed as authors, but should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgments" section.
10. If authors have used the work, information, or words by others, this must be appropriately cited. Authors should not copy entirely or in part any work or manuscripts by others and submit as the author's own. Copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another's paper (without attribution) must be excluded.
11. Authors should ensure that they have properly acknowledged the work of others, and should also cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the manuscript. Information obtained privately (from conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties), also as use information obtained in the course of providing confidential services, such as refereeing manuscripts or grant applications, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source.
12. Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process and cooperate fully by responding promptly to editors’ requests for raw data, clarifications, and proof of ethics approval, and copyright permissions. Authors should respond to the reviewers’ comments systematically, point by point, and in a timely manner, revising and re-submitting their manuscript to the journal by the deadline given.
Contribution of authors: Only persons with the following criteria should be listed as authors of the manuscript:
- Have participated in the conception, design, execution, data acquisition or analysis/interpretation of the study.
- Have participated in the drafting or revision of the manuscript.
- Have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication.
To specify the contribution of each author to the work, it is recommended to use the criteria established by the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
Errata, Corrections and Retractions Policy
Articles and other types of documents that have been published in Selecciones Matemáticas will remain current, accurate and unaltered as far as possible. However, it may happen that a published article may need to be corrected, retracted or even removed. This will be done after a rigorous analysis by the journal's editorial team, in collaboration with the journal's editing area, based on the standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
According to the rules and control mechanisms of scientific communication, and depending on the result of the analysis by the editorial committee, the following cases are presented: a notice of errata or correction, a retraction and, in rare cases, the elimination of the article.
An errata notice will be issued when it is necessary to correct an error or omission made by the journal after publication that may affect the publication record or the reputation of the authorship or the journal, but where the scholarly integrity of the article remains intact.
All errors will be accompanied by a separate notice. The notice should provide clear details of the error and the changes that have been made to the paper.
In these circumstances:
1. The article will be corrected.
2. An endnote will be added to the article with a reference to the errata notice.
3. A separate erratum or correction notice linked to the corrected version will be published.
4. The erratum or correction document will be paginated and with DOI.
A correction notice will be issued when it is necessary to correct an error or omission made by the authors that affects the publication record or the reputation of the authors or the journal, but where the scholarly integrity of the article remains intact.
All errors will be accompanied by a separate notice. The notice should provide clear details of the error and the changes that have been made to the paper. In these circumstances:
1. The article will be corrected.
2. A note will be added to the article at the end with reference to the correction notice.
3. A separate erratum or correction notice linked to the corrected version will be published.
4. The erratum or correction document will be paginated and with DOI.
A notice of retraction will be issued when a major error invalidates the conclusions of the article, or when there has been research misconduct or publication misconduct. Authorships may request retraction of their articles if their reasons meet the criteria for retraction.
Retraction will be considered:
- If there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication or image manipulation) or error (e.g., computational error or experimental error).
- Whether the findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission, or justification (e.g., cases of redundant publication or duplicate publication).
- Whether the research constitutes plagiarism.
- If there is evidence of fraudulent authorship.
- Whether there is evidence of compromised peer review.
- If there is evidence of unethical research and violations of professional ethical codes.
When a decision has been made to retract an article:
1. An article retracted watermark will be added to the published version of the article record.
2. Article retracted: [article title] will be placed in front of the article title.
3. A separate retraction statement, entitled Retraction: [article title], shall be published and linked to the retracted article. This note shall be signed by the editors of the journal.
4. The retraction statement will be paginated and assigned a DOI.
Article Deletion
Removal of an article will be carried out in exceptional circumstances where the problems are of a very serious nature and cannot be addressed by a correction or retraction notice.
This will only occur:
- Where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes other legal rights.
- When an article is subject to a court order.
In the event that an article is removed, the metadata (authorship and title) will be retained and the text will be replaced by a document stating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.
Complaints and claims policy
The journal Selecciones Matemáticas responds to and resolves complaints and claims that may arise. For this purpose, the Editorial Committee analyzes and resolves them according to the recommendations set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
To send a complaint, you should write directly to the institutional mail of the journal:; which will be resolved in no more than thirty (30) working days.
The complaint or claim must be clear, concrete and have sufficient data to demonstrate a possible breach of the journal's editorial ethics statement. To the extent possible, supplementary documentation should be attached as proof or evidence of the situation complained of.
Complaints that are beyond the journal's scope, such as personal complaints against authors, editors, reviewers or the journal's editorial team, will receive a response indicating the reasons why the complaint is not considered to be within the journal's competence. In addition, the journal will refrain from carrying out the corresponding investigations when complaints or claims are presented in an offensive, threatening or defamatory manner.
Data exchange and reproducibility
In Selecciones Matemáticas we support the need to democratize and universalize knowledge, therefore the exchange of data between researchers is considered positive, but, in the case that a contribution received has taken data from another research to make a different analysis, the author or authors of the contribution must present the authorization of the original researchers, in which they express their authorization for such use.
Ethical supervision
In order to safeguard the ethical principles of research, the papers received will be evaluated using the double-blind system, to avoid possible loss of objectivity on the part of the referees. In addition, the Editorial Committee will establish a confidentiality commitment with the evaluators, which will be made explicit in the evaluation format.
In this same sense, in order to identify possible breaches of publication ethics, such as plagiarism, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to filter the contributions received through the Turnitin software, before sending them to the referees, and the contributions will also be reviewed to detect the manipulation of citations, and the falsification or fabrication of data. When any violation of the basic principles of research ethics is detected, the work will not be published and the Editorial Committee will inform both the author(s) and the institution to which they belong of the reasons.
Intellectual Property Rights
The Journal Selecciones Matemáticas will have the publication rights of the accepted articles, for which the author or authors must sign a document and attach it with the submission of their manuscript. In addition, the author or authors also undertake to ensure that, in accordance with international standards, they are the legitimate owners of the contribution, that it is original and that there are no copyright problems with third parties, or other conflicts of an ethical nature. All the content of the journal, except that which is expressly identified, is under a Creative Commons License.
On the management of post-publication discussions and corrections
The editorial board is always at the disposal of the authors for any post-publication editorial discussion and to consider the necessary corrections.
Identification and prevention of misconduct
Under no circumstances will editorial board and scientific committee members encourage misconduct of any kind or knowingly allow such misconduct to occur.
Editorial board and international scientific committee members will attempt to prevent misconduct by informing authors and reviewers of the ethical behavior required of them.
Staff reviewers and members of the scientific and editorial committees will be asked to be aware of all types of misconduct in order to identify papers where research misconduct of any kind has occurred or appears to have occurred and to handle complaints accordingly.
In the event of misconduct, the journal editor is responsible for resolving the problem. He or she may work together with members of the editorial board and scientific committee, peer reviewers and subject matter experts.
The problem will be documented accordingly. All factual questions should be documented: who, what, when, where, why. All relevant documents, in particular the articles in question, should be retained.
The journal editor will contact the authorship. In this way, the authorship is given the opportunity to respond or comment on the complaint, allegation or dispute.
In the event that misconduct has occurred or appears to have occurred, or in the case of necessary corrections, the editorial board will deal with the various cases following COPE recommendations.
Great care will be taken to distinguish cases of honest human error from deliberate intent to defraud.
The editorial board will consider withdrawing a publication in case of misconduct, or issuing a note in case of inconclusive evidence of misconduct, or requesting correction of the false segment.
Plagiarism is a fraudulent act that consists in the use of bibliographic material prepared by third parties without directly recognizing the authorship of others, suggesting that the text presented is their own, both partially and totally.
Authors should not use the words, figures or ideas of others without attribution. All sources should be cited at the point where they are used, and reuse of the wording should be limited and should be attributed or cited in the text.
Self-plagiarism refers to the practice of an author using portions of their previous writings on the same topic in another of their publications, without specifically citing it formally in quotes.
The Selecciones Matemáticas Journal establishes an anti-plagiarism policy that allows to ensure standards of originality in the articles product of scientific research, which is reaffirmed in our Code of Ethics. In this sense, we will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin plagiarism detection tools, one cannot conclusively identify plagiarism, but can only get a similarity score which is a metric that provides a score of the amount of similarity between already published content and the unpublished content under scrutiny.
How are supervisors, reviewers or editors alerted to plagiarism?
i) Original author comes to know and informs everyone concerned.
ii) Sometimes a reviewer finds out about it during the review process.
iii) Or, readers who come across the article, while doing research.
The Selecciones Matemáticas Journal before the plagiarism check, immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
- Authors should ensure that where material is taken from other sources (including their own published writing) the source is clearly cited and that where appropriate permission is obtained.
- Authors should not engage in excessive self-citation of their own work.
- Authors should not copy references from other publications if they have not read the cited work.
- Authors should not preferentially cite their own or their friends’, peers’, or institution’s publications.
- Authors should not cite advertisements or advertorial material.
In accordance with COPE guidelines, we expect that “original wording taken directly from publications by other researchers should appear in quotation marks with the appropriate citations.” This condition also applies to an author’s own work. COPE have produced a discussion document on citation manipulation with recommendations for best practice.
National University of Trujillo | |||||
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