Selecciones Matemáticas(ISSN-e: 2411 - 1783 ) is a journal of the Academic Department of Mathematics of the National University of Trujillo. The Journal aims to publish the results of original and unpublished research in the field of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.
Selecciones Matemáticas publishes Research Papers, Review and Communications, preferably in the priority areas of the journal, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, as long as its quality is certified through peer review (Double blind).
The content of the contributions is entirely the responsibility of the authors, and in no way the journal or the entities for which the authors work. It is understood that the material sent to Selecciones Matemáticas has not been published nor sent to other systems of diffusion of any type.
Authors must strictly follow the rules established by the Committe On Publication Ethics (COPE); which sanctions falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication of the same article by the authors without due citation, and misappropriation of the works of other authors.
The journal Selecciones Matemáticas publishes a Volume of two issues per year.
1. The first issue is published in the month of July.
2. The second issue is published in the month of December.
3. All articles published in the journal will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.
The publication schedule is strongly followed.
Selecciones Matemáticas provides immediate open access to its content based on the principle of providing the public with free access to research, and helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. However please also see our copyright statement.
The author(s) of a manuscript agree that if the manuscript is accepted for publication in Selecciones Matemáticas, the published article will be copyrighted using:
Creative Commons Attribution-NoComercial-ShareAlike 4.0.
1. Share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
2. Adapt, remix, transform and create from material.
The Journal Selecciones Matematicas does not have either charges for:
The Selecciones Matemáticas Journal follows the Code of Conduct of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE), and follows the COPE flowcharts to resolve cases of suspected misconduct. And sign the ETHIC.
Authors who wish to publish in the Selecciones Matematicas journal must meet the criteria of the international standard for authors.
More Detailed See HERE.
The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFYM) of the National University of Trujillo, through Dean's Resolution No. Resolución de Decanato N° 004-2021/FCFYM-Dec, resolves to institutionalize the journal Selecciones Matemáticas as the official organ of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, dedicated to publishing research conducted in its field in electronic format.
The Vice Chancellorship for Research of the National University of Trujillo, by means of Resolución N° 003-2021-VIN-UNT, formalizes the Dean's Resolution regarding the institutionalization of the journal Selecciones Matemáticas.
For the distribution and harvest of the metadata of our articles, use the OAI-PMH address:
A Blog and a Forum are made available to users of the journal "Selecciones Matemáticas", to share, discuss, comment, etc., on topics related to the publication of articles in Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics:
1. Blog
2. Forum
The Journal Selecciones Matemáticas was created on October 12, 2005 by the Academic Department of Mathematics of the National University of Trujillo.
But it was not until 2014, when the Journal began its work under the appointment of the first Editorial Board through Dean Resolution No. 048-2014/FCFYM-UNT, in order to manage the operation of the journal Selecciones Matemáticas(ISSN-e: 2411 - 1783 ). Subsequently, this editorial Board proceeded to call for the presentation of research articles; For this, the National University of Trujillo, through the Research Management, implemented the electronic system of the journals in the University portal, using the OJS Web manager. In that year the first volume was published with two numbers, which were published in July and December of that year.
From the year 2014, and to date, the journal Selecciones Matemáticas has been publishing Research articles, Communications, Review articles.
Since January 06, 2017, Selecciones Matemáticas was formally indexed to the Latindex Base, after an evaluation process of compliance with most of the requirements that this base demands. Latindex aims to disseminate bibliographic information on serial scientific publications produced in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
With the aim of increasing the visibility of the journal and its contents, the journal Selecciones Matemáticas was submitted to evaluation in the Directory of Open Access Journald (DOAJ), who on January 30, 2018, informed us that our journal was indexed in DOAJ.
Following this same objective, the journal underwent a new evaluation by Dialnet, who on December 16, 2019, gave us the news of the indexing of our journal.
It should be noted that Dialnet is one of the largest free and open access bibliographic portals, whose main objective is to give greater visibility to Hispanic scientific literature on the Internet. It also has an exhaustive, interdisciplinary and up-to-date database, which allows full-text content to be deposited.
Subsequently, we submitted the magazine to a new evaluation by Latindex, in order to meet all the requirements stipulated by Latindex, and on March 23, 2020, Latindex informed us that our journal had complied with everything required, and therefore became part of catalog v2.0.
Throughout this period, the editorial committee implemented a series of requirements in order to achieve indexing in prestigious institutions, which we mention:
Latindex, Directory of Open Acces Journals (DOAJ), CrossRef, Dialnet, Google Scholar, MIAR, ALICIA, Sherpa Romeo, SJIFactor, OAJI, WIKIDATA, FATCAT, Genamic CiteFactor, ROAD, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index(ESJI), Directory of Research Journals Indexing(DRJI), JIFactor, Base, WorldCat.
In January 2021, the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFYM) of the National University of Trujillo, through Dean's Resolution No. 004-2021/FCFYM-Dec, resolves to institutionalize the Revista Seleccións Matemáticas, as an organ official of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, to publish in electronic format the research carried out in its area or related sciences.
On January 27, the Vice President for Research of the National University of Trujillo, through Resolution No. 003-2021-VIN-UNT, formalizes the Dean's Resolution on the Institutionality of the Mathematical Selections Magazine.
National University of Trujillo | |||||
Av. Juan Pablo II S/N, ciudad universitaria | |||||
Trujillo, Perú. | |||||
Email: | |||||
Phone: +51-973838323 Department of Mathematics |
Derechos reservados © 2021 Departamento de Matemáticas.
Para la distribución y cosecha de los Metadatos de nuestros artículos, usar el Protocolo de Interoperabilidad OAI-PMH:
Selecciones Matemáticas es una revista de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo publica sus contenidos bajo licencia Creative Commons Licence: Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)