About the Journal

Scientific Journal of the Academic department of Mathematics  of the National University of Trujillo. The purpose of the journal is to publish and disseminate the results of original and unpublished  research in the field of  Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

"Selecciones Matemáticas" is an Open Access Journal.

ISSN-e:   2411 - 1783         DOI10.17268/Sel.mat

Short title: Sel.Mat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



Selecciones Matemáticas Journal pays posthumous tribute to Dr. Julio Cesar Ruiz Claeyssen, who was a part of our Editorial Committee.

Dr. Claeyssen participated in the XI Cimac - August 2023, with the conference Inversion of the Vandermonde matrix through a differential base change.




Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 02 (2024): August - December
Published: 2024-12-28
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