Optimization of a drink with cacao Theobroma cacao L. CCN51 exudate and lactic serum using surface response
rheology, pseudoplastic, storage, fluent, NewtonianAbstract
The aim of this research was to characterize rheologically a drink formulated and elaborated with exudate of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) CCN51 and lactic serum. The formulation was optimized using the response surface methodology for the attributes color, smell, taste and acceptability; subsequently, a multiple surface analysis was performed to determine the global optimal parameters by means of the desirability function. The results ensure that the proportion exudate and lactic serum should be 40/60 with 10% sucrose. The rheology of the beverage shows that it is a non-Newtonian fluid of the pseudoplastic type. In general, temperature and storage time have a significant effect on the flow index and consistency index. The proximal and microbiological chemical tests meet the standards, and the drink is suitable for human consumption. The rheological results of drinks based on cocoa exudate and lactic whey can be used as a parameter for quality control and sizing of machines, equipment, pipes, connections, filters, drive pumps and research provide knowledge for the use of agro-industrial residue. and the dairy industry.
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Copyright (c) 2023 H. Rivera-Rojas, H. Tafur-Pereda, J. Pisco-Caldas, Fredy Crispín Sánchez, Raúl Porturas Olaechea

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