A brief tour through the Wavelets


  • Alejandro Ortiz Fernández Sección Matemática, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú




Wavelets, Fourier, Haar, AMR, orthonormal basis, transform


The objetive of these notes is to give a brief overview of wavelet theory, both of the fundamental mathematical arguments and of the ideas it contains. In addition, the theory is suitable for multidisciplinary work.


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Frazier M. An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra. New York: Springer; 1999.

Hernández E, Weiss G. A First Course on Wavelets. Boca Raton: CRC. Press; 1996.

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Mallat S. A Wavelet Tours of Signal Processing. Second Edit. USA: Academic Press; 2000.

Meyer Y. Wavelets and Operators. Cambridge University Press. Vol.1; 1992.

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Ortiz A. Ondículas, Evolución de Algunas Ideas y Aplicaciones. Selecciones Matemáticas. 2019; Vol.06(01): 119-127.

Strang G, Nguyen T. Wavelets and Filter Banks. Wallesley - Cambridge Press; 1996.

Jaffard S, Meyer Y, Ryan RD. Wavelets: Tools for Science-Technology. Philadelphia: SIAM; 2001.



How to Cite

Ortiz Fernández, A. . (2022). A brief tour through the Wavelets. Selecciones Matemáticas, 9(02), 395 - 422. https://doi.org/10.17268/sel.mat.2022.02.14

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