Uso del ultrasonido en el tratamiento de leche y su efecto en microorganismos patógenos
Ultrasonido, tratamiento, ultrasonicado, leche, microorganismos patógenosAbstract
The use of ultrasound as a new milk processing technology has proven to be an innovative and promising method in the dairy industry. The purpose of this review is (i) to analyze the effect of ultrasound, especially the thermosonic method, in reducing pathogens in milk, (ii) to evaluate its effectiveness and advantages over traditional pasteurization methods, and (iii) its potential to explore applications in dairy processing. The basic principles and applications of ultrasound are described in detail, highlighting its ability to improve the microbiological quality of milk without compromising its sensorial and nutritional properties. It is concluded that ultrasound is a technology with a positive and promising effect in optimizing milk processing processes. Its use allows to minimize the negative consequences of traditional pasteurization methods, thus increasing the quality and safety of dairy products. Further research and industrial-scale testing are recommended to confirm these findings and to explore new applications of thermal sonication in other sectors of the food industry.
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