special issue: "Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing"


Dear colleague,
On behalf of the Scientific Committee, I would like to thank you for your participation in the "Peruvian Conference on Scientific Computing" and I hope that you could enjoy your stay in the city of Cusco.
I would like to remind you of the possibility to submit an article (8 to 20 pages, in English) to our Conference Proceedings, which will be published as a Special Issue of the open access journal "Selecciones Matemáticas" (ISSN 2411 - 1783), hosted by the National University of Trujillo (Peru).
The submission deadline is December 15, 2022. Detailed information and submission guidelines can be found on the webpage: https://revistas.unitru.edu.pe/index.php/SSMM/specialissue
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With my very best wishesPEC editorial committee