An introduction to cicada periodic evolution models




Discrete models, systems with delay, periodic solution, synchronized emergency


A remarkable feature of some insects is the synchronized emergence of a large number of insects, such as cicadas that appear in bud ratios every 13 to 17 years. Therefore, this paper presents several mathematical models that explain such synchronized evolutions for certain life cycles in the cicada. For this purpose, a discrete model with lags, proposed by Hoppensteadt and Keller, is taken as a reference, where the population for a type of cicada incorporates a predator species and a carrying capacity in the environment. A qualitative analysis of this system is carried out to determine the existence of synchronized solutions, and the results are contrasted with other models.

Author Biography

Christian Camilo Cortes Garcia, Universidad Surcolombiana

Facultad de ciencias exactas y naturales, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva-Colombia.
Departamento de matematicas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid - España.


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How to Cite

Cortes Garcia, C. C. (2021). An introduction to cicada periodic evolution models. Selecciones Matemáticas, 8(02), 248-266.