Relation between the mineral nutrients and the Vitamin C content in camu-camu plants (Myrciria dubia) cultivated on high soils and flood soils of Ucayali, Peru


  • Carlos Abanto-Rodriguez Institute for Research of the Peruvian Amazon, Federico Basadre Highway
  • Mario Pinedo-Panduro Institute for Research of the Peruvian Amazon, Federico Basadre Highway
  • Edvan Alves-Chagas Embrapa Roraima Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Boa Vista-Roraima
  • Pollyana Cardoso-Chagas Federal University of Roraima Center for Agricultural Sciences Cauame Campus, Monte Cristo District
  • Roberto Tadashi-Sakazaki Federal University of Roraima Center for Agricultural Sciences Cauame Campus, Monte Cristo District
  • Pedro Henrique Santos de Menezes Federal University of Roraima Center for Agricultural Sciences Cauame Campus, Monte Cristo District
  • Wellington Farias-Araújo Federal University of Roraima Center for Agricultural Sciences Cauame Campus, Monte Cristo District
  • Hipolito Murga-Orrillo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota (UNACH), Colpa Matara, Chota



Myrciaria dubia, ascorbic acid, macronutrients, flooded soils, Peruvian Amazon


Camu-camu is a native plant of the Peruvian Amazon. It is noted for its high concentration of ascorbic acid, however this feature varies widely from one location to another due to genetic and environmental factors. In order to determine the relationship between mineral nutrients and the concentration of ascorbic acid in camu-camu plants, a study was conducted in three camu-camu producing areas in flood-prone soils and soils on dry land conditions in the Ucayali Region. For this purpose, soil samples and camu-camu were collected. The content of following macronutrients was analyzed: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium; also was determined the concentration of aluminum, pH, organic matter and ascorbic acid. The results show that the camu-camu plantations located in upland soils had lower concentrations of ascorbic acid and lower natural fertility, than soils prone to flooding. Ascorbic acid is negatively related to the concentration of aluminum and positively to the concentration of magnesium and phosphorus in the camu-camu producing areas. It is concluded that the concentration of ascorbic acid in camu-camu plants is best expressed when soils have better chemical attributes and good conditions of natural fertility.


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Received May 23, 2016

Accepted September 27, 2016

Corresponding author: (C. Abanto-Rodriguez).



Como Citar

Abanto-Rodriguez, C., Pinedo-Panduro, M., Alves-Chagas, E., Cardoso-Chagas, P., Tadashi-Sakazaki, R., Santos de Menezes, P. H., Farias-Araújo, W., & Murga-Orrillo, H. (2016). Relation between the mineral nutrients and the Vitamin C content in camu-camu plants (Myrciria dubia) cultivated on high soils and flood soils of Ucayali, Peru. Scientia Agropecuaria, 7(3), 297-304.



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