Estimation of repeatability and genetic selection of aromatic cacao trees with genetic material from EE-INIA-San Martin and UC Lebuaf in Peru


  • Carlos Oliva Phi Peruvian Consultores S.A.C., Callao
  • José Benito Estación Experimental INIA, Tarapoto
  • Ronald Acuña LEBUAF S.A.C., San Martín
  • Ana Bocanegra LEBUAF S.A.C., San Martín
  • Jhordan Baltazar LEBUAF S.A.C., San Martín



SELEGEN, tree, repeatability, accuracy and cocoa


Cocoa farming is one of the most important activities in the Peruvian Amazon. Its genetic basis is supported by the introduction of improved clones, so that the local genetic potential are in germplasm bank is not well used due to limited breeding study. This study aimed to estimate the repeatability for the genetic selection of high-yield trees with aromatic cocoa beans. Genetic selection analysis was executed with the SOFTWARE SELEGEN REML / BLUP in a 3-year data for assessing grain yield kg / tree, average grain weight (g) and average weight of cobs (kg) in the bank germplasm INIA-San Martin and Lebuaf Conservation Unit SAC (Plantation Maria). The individual repeatability grain yield / tree and average grain weight was moderate (0.52) and (0.30) respectively, which did not happen for the repeatability of the variable average cob weight was low with (0.24). The variable was more stable grain yield / tree, who threw an average of 3 harvest repeatability was 0.77, favoring selective accuracy of 0.88. Superior genotypes can be accurately selected with 4 to 5 harvests. The selection and cloning of the 20 best genotypes or selected trees should facilitate a genetic gain of 112%, raising the annual average productivity of 1.24 grains per tree kg / tree to 1.54 kg / tree.


Benito, J. 2010. Resultados de investigación de 21 clones internacionales. EEA.Tulumayo - Tingo María – Perú.1980-1987.

De Resende, M.D.V.; de Oliveira, E.B. 1997. Sistema "SELEGEN" – Seleção Genética Computadorizada para o Melhoramento de Espécies Perenes. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 32(9): 931-939.

De Resende, M.D.V. 2002. Software SELEGEN - REML/BLUP. EMBRAPA, Colombo. Manual Selegen.

García, C.L. 2010. Catálogo de Cultivares de Cacao del Perú. Ministerio de Agricultura- DEVIDA. Lima- Perú. 111 pag.

Leakey, B.; Mesén, F. 1991. Métodos de propagación vegetativa en árboles tropicales: enraizamiento de estacas suculentas. Capítulo 10. In: Manual sobre Mejoramiento Genético Forestal con Referencia Especial a América Central. Cornelius, J.P.; Mesén, F.; Corea, E. (eds.). Proyecto Mejoramiento Genético Forestal, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica: 135-153.

* Autor para correspondencia.

E-mail: (C. Oliva).

Recibido 21 agosto 2013.

Aceptado 20 marzo 2014.



How to Cite

Oliva, C., Benito, J., Acuña, R., Bocanegra, A., & Baltazar, J. (2014). Estimation of repeatability and genetic selection of aromatic cacao trees with genetic material from EE-INIA-San Martin and UC Lebuaf in Peru. Scientia Agropecuaria, 5(1), 59 - 64.



Short Communication