Morphological characterization of grapevine varieties for Pisco production under conditions of the middle zone of the Ica valley, Peru


  • H. Cáceres Desarrollo del Centro de Innovación Tecnológico Agroindustrial, Panamericana Sur km 293.3 Salas Guadalupe, Ica.
  • P. Quispe Desarrollo del Centro de Innovación Tecnológico Agroindustrial, Panamericana Sur km 293.3 Salas Guadalupe, Ica.
  • D. Pignataro Unidad de Genómica, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Lima.
  • G. Orjeda Unidad de Genómica, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Lima.
  • T. Lacombe INRA, UMR AGAP Equipe Diversité, Adaptation et Amélioration de la Vigne, 2 place Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex.



vid, Pisco, Ica, Peru, ampelography


This work consists in the morphological characterization of eight Pisco grapes varieties “Torontel, Italia, Mollar, Quebranta, Negra criolla, Albilla, Moscatel and Uvina” cultivated in the CITEagroindustrial, based on the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) list of descriptors for vine varieties and Vitis species, version 2009. Some ampelographic characters such as berry color and shape during the phenological stage are general knowledge, however the 56 descriptors in different phenological stages highlight differences. Therefore, the description of the varieties provides a greater precision to the characterization and serves as a guide to the producers of Pisco and producers of grapes, for a simple and correct identification of their plants in the field, avoiding the confusion that currently exists in the Identification of the different varieties, such as homonymy and incorrect identification.


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Received June 02, 2016.

Accepted February 07, 2017.

Corresponding author: (H. Cáceres).



How to Cite

Cáceres, H., Quispe, P., Pignataro, D., Orjeda, G., & Lacombe, T. (2017). Morphological characterization of grapevine varieties for Pisco production under conditions of the middle zone of the Ica valley, Peru. Scientia Agropecuaria, 8(1), 63-72.



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