Degradación de pasturas y sistemas silvopastoriles predominantes en la Amazonía peruana
Tropical ecosystems, livestock systems, pasture availability, pasture quality, soil fertilityAbstract
The objective was to estimate the level of pasture degradation in livestock systems and to select the most predominant silvopastoral systems (SSP) to measure their influence on soil, pasture availability and quality. It was carried out in the District of José Crespo y Castillo, in Huánuco, Peru. The results show an 80% of degradation between very severe too severe in natural pastures, and the predominant SSP were: scattered trees of natural regeneration system (76.5%) and live fences system (38.3%), being selected: a scattered trees system (SAD), a multi-strata live fences system (SCVM); and two control systems: a traditional system without tree component (ST) and a SSP with forest plantation and live fences (SPFCV). The results show that the predominant SSP improved soil fertility, availability and quality of pasture compared to the ST, and to a lesser extent compared to the SPFCV.
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