Indexing & Archiving
Digital preservation
Agroindustrial Science uses the Open Journal Systems editorial management system, which provides the PKP-PN (PKP-Preservation Network) tool to preserve its content using the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS preservation services.
Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, which guarantees a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS allows libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly searching for new content and archiving it. Each archive is continuously validated against records from other libraries, ensuring that any damaged or lost content can be restored.
The CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system also guarantees a secure and permanent archive for the journal. Using open source software developed by the Stanford University Library, CLOCKSS continuously validates archives against other library caches, restoring any damaged or lost content.
In addition, Agroindustrial Science is supported by the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, which provides storage and backups of all the journal's digital files.
The journal's metadata is deposited in the National Digital Repository of Science, Technology and Innovation of Open Access (ALICIA), managed by CONCYTEC Peru.