About the Journal

Aim and scope

AGROINDUSTRIAL SCIENCE is a journal of the Escuela de Ingeniería Agroindustrial of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, which aims to be an important means of disseminating agroindustrial issues. The areas that are prioritized are related to animal production systems, agricultural and post-harvest systems, agri-food science and technology, biotechnology and bioengineering, circular economy, biorefineries, conservation, transformation and marketing of agro-industrial products. Agroindustrial Science publishes Research Articles and Reviews in the priority areas of the journal, written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, as long as their quality is certified through peer review.

The content of the contributions is the sole responsibility of the authors and in no way of the journal or the entities for which the authors work. Articles sent to Agroindustrial Science are required to be original, that is, they have not been published or sent to other dissemination bodies of any kind.

Authors must strictly comply with the ETHICAL PRINCIPLES established by this journal and as established by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the same work, or misappropriation of work, are unacceptable practices. Cases of ethical misconduct are treated very seriously and will be handled by COPE guidelines. By submitting the manuscript to the journal, it is understood that this is an original manuscript and is unpublished work, and is not under consideration elsewhere. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of work, in whole or in part, without proper citation is not tolerated by the journal. To verify their originality, manuscripts submitted to the journal can be reviewed using anti-plagiarism software.

Peer review process

The Editor verifies if the submitted material conforms to the editorial line of the journal. If it is correct, the article is subjected to a similarity evaluation using ANTI-PLAGIARISM SOFTWARE, without considering citations and bibliographical references. If the similarity is greater than 10%, the manuscript is returned to the authors requesting to eliminate the similarity, taking care to cite properly to avoid plagiarism and to submit a new version.

Upon return of the new version, the similarity is verified again, if the manuscript complies with having less than 10% similarity, the peer review system has just started, resorting to a minimum of two (2) reviewers or external evaluators, so that within a maximum period of fifteen days they express their opinions, recommending the acceptance or rejection of the article. If the article does not conform to the editorial line, the Editor reserves the right to send a report to the author to change or redo their article, totally or partially, with the authors having to start the process of sending their work again. In the worst case, the manuscript is rejected and the authors are notified, attaching a report with the reasons for the rejection. Reviewer names are kept anonymous to the author(s) throughout the process. Although to facilitate arbitration, the authors can send a list of four (4) possible reviewers, specialists in the subject of the article, with their respective email addresses.

Open Access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.