Discrete Weibull regression model with cure fraction in survival data





Mixture model, regression, Discrete Weibull distribution, EM algorithm


This paper presents a regression model for discrete time data with cure fraction. For this purpose, we considered a mixture model, in which times are modeled through the discrete Weibull distribution and the cure probability modeled with covariates by using the logit link function. Considering that the model is a mixture, the estimation of the parameters was performed by EM algorithm. The behavior of the estimating algorithm was tested with Monte Carlo simulation experiments and an application for real data was added.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. A., G. Otiniano, C. E., & Y. Nakano, E. (2019). Discrete Weibull regression model with cure fraction in survival data. Selecciones Matemáticas, 6(01), 84-97. https://doi.org/10.17268/sel.mat.2019.01.11