Effect of Physalis peruviana "tomatillo" fruit extract in Mus musculus var. swis with induced hyperlipidemi.


  • Julio Campos Florián Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo
  • Deysi Bobadilla Villa Universidad Privada Antonio Guillermo Urrelo, Cajamarca
  • Mercedes Huamán Bermeo Universidad Privada Antonio Guillermo Urrelo, Cajamarca
  • Mónica Bazán Vásquez Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo




Physalis peruviana, tomatillo, cholesterol, triglycerides, Mus musculus var. swis.


The objective of this research was to determine the hypolipidemic activity of the fruit of Physalis peruviana "tomatillo" in a model of acute hyperlipidemia induced by triton. Mus musculus var. swis males as experimental animals. We worked with four groups of mice, the white group received distilled water orally and saline intraperitoneally, the control group received distilled water orally and intraperitoneally triton, the problem group 1 received orally 0.05g/100g Physalis peruviana extract intraperitoneally and triton and the problem group 2 received orally 0.2g/100g extract of Physalis peruviana and triton intraperitoneally. After 24 hours of administering the treatments were performed measurements of serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Mean levels of cholesterol (mg/dL) were: 58.87 ± 11.54 (white), 121.71 ± 15.00 (control), 58.08 ± 9.21 (Problem 1) and 66 78 ± 16.77 (Problem 2). Average levels of triglycerides (g /L) were: 0.48 ± 0.07 (white), 1.84 ± 0.18 (control), 0.34 ± 0.10 (Problem 1) and 0.94 ± 0.25 (Problem 2). We found significant reductions (p <0.000) concentrations of both cholesterol and triglycerides in relation to those obtained in the group treated only with Triton.


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* Autor para correspondencia.

E-mail: juliocamposrsd@yahoo.es (J. Campos).

Recibido 22 abril 2011.

Aceptado 18 junio 2011.



How to Cite

Campos Florián, J., Bobadilla Villa, D., Huamán Bermeo, M., & Bazán Vásquez, M. (2011). Effect of Physalis peruviana &quot;tomatillo&quot; fruit extract in Mus musculus var. swis with induced hyperlipidemi. Scientia Agropecuaria, 2(2), 83-89. https://doi.org/10.17268/sci.agropecu.2011.02.03



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