Intercultural approach and reading comprehension in secondary education students, Simón Bolívar School – Mache - 2020


  • Brenda Marilin Castillo Honorio Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Av. Juan Pablo II s/n - Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, Perú
  • Carlos Enrique Calderón Calderón Facultad de Educación y CC.CC. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Av. Juan Pablo II s/n-Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, Perú


intercultural approach, reading comprehension, programme


The present research “Intercultural approach and reading comprehension in Secondary Education students, Simón Bolívar School, Mache 2020” is a study carried out to implement a programme based on the intercultural approach aiming to improve reading comprehension in English of third grade students from "Simón Bolívar” high school, Mache, 2020. The quasi-experimental design was applied, in which it was considered a "Pre-Test" and "Post-Test" with two intact groups. The sample in which this research was conducted was 53 students of third and fourth secondary students, in Mache District, Otuzco Province. A test consisting of 20 items designed to measure reading comprehension, which has three dimensions, was applied. The dimensions are literal, inferential and critical respectively, considering 10 for literal, 7 for inferential and 3 for critical.  It was concluded that the programme based on the Intercultural Approach significantly improves reading comprehension in English of the experimental group from Simón Bolívar School- Mache 2020.


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How to Cite

Castillo Honorio, B. M., & Calderón Calderón, C. E. (2022). Intercultural approach and reading comprehension in secondary education students, Simón Bolívar School – Mache - 2020. Revista CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 18(1), 71-101. Retrieved from



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