Rice leaf disease detection using the Stretched Neighborhood Effect Color to Grayscale method and Machine Learning




Palabras clave:

leaf disease, disease classification, disease detection, image processing, machine learning, random forest


The emergence of Machine Learning (ML) technologies and their integration into agriculture has demonstrated a significant impact on disease detection in crops, enabling continuous monitoring and enhancing risk planning and management. This study applied image processing techniques such as thresholding, gamma correction, and the Stretched Neighborhood Effect Color to Grayscale (SNECG) method, alongside ML, to develop a predictive model for identifying five types of rice diseases. The ML techniques used included Logistic Regression, Multilayer Perceptron, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, and Random Forests (RF). Hyperparameters were optimized and evaluated through 5-fold cross-validation. In the results, the SNECG method successfully converted images to grayscale, capturing essential features of lesions on rice leaves. The ML models developed with these techniques showed evaluation metrics exceeding 80%, with the RF model (precision = 88.31%) demonstrating superior performance. Additionally, the RF model was integrated into an interface designed for agricultural decision-making. The practical application of the developed model could significantly improve the ability to detect and manage diseases in rice crops.



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Cómo citar

Aguirre-Rodrı́guez E. Y., Rodriguez Gamboa, A. A., Aguirre Rodrı́guez E. C., Santos-Fernández, J. P., Nascimento, L. F. C., da Silva, A. F., & Marins, F. A. S. (2025). Rice leaf disease detection using the Stretched Neighborhood Effect Color to Grayscale method and Machine Learning. Scientia Agropecuaria, 16(1), 123-136. https://doi.org/10.17268/sci.agropecu.2025.011



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