María José Frutos Fernández


Agro-Food Technology Department. Miguel Hernández University (Spain).

Formación académica

  • PhD in Biological Sciences (University of Murcia, Spain).

Información adicional

With 71 publications in indexed scientific journals and 2 patents.
Current Reviewer of more than 15 SCI (Science Citation Index) journals: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Journal of Food Science, European Food Research and Technology, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Food Research International, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Journal of Oleo Science, Molecules, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Journal of Food Engineering among others.
Expert evaluator for international agencies since 1999 (European Commission, European Food Safety Authority, Russian Science Foundation and New Zealand National Challenge in High-Value Nutrition (HVN) among others) Teaching Talent Prize 2015 in Experimental Sciences and Technical Education. Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Elche (Alicante). Spain.


