Effect of location and diameter of the branch in three genotypes of Myrciaria dubia (HBK) "camu camu" for vegetative propagation by air layering


  • Jiang Oliver Liao Torres Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana
  • Sixto Alfredo Imán Correa Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria
  • Julio Abel Soplín Ríos Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana




genotype, camu camu, vegetative propagation, air layering, rooting.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the location and diameter of the branch in three genotypes of camu camu using the technique of air layering on rooting and sprouting. The mother plants were bent and then rooted branches were transplanted following the design of randomized complete block with three replications. At 3 months after transplantation was the assessment of the variables, finding the best values for the number of roots to the middle third, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 and the upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 with 28.67 and 28.33 roots, respectively, in the variable length of the upper third roots, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 showed the best results with 15.27 cm. Regarding the number of outbreaks upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-014 and the upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 achieved the best results with 13.00 and 12.67 outbreaks, respectively, in the length of shoots, the best treatment was the upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 with 30.73 cm, and finally in the variable number of leaves / shoot highlights the upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-014 and the upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 with 15.10 leaves per shoot and 14.83, respectively. The results allowed identifying the upper, thick diameter, Genotype MD-015 as the best in terms of rooting and sprouting capacity. 


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* Autor para correspondencia.

E-mail: siman@inia.gob.pe (S. Imán).

Recibido 02 abril 2012.

Aceptado 13 septiembre 2012.



How to Cite

Liao Torres, J. O., Imán Correa, S. A., & Soplín Ríos, J. A. (2012). Effect of location and diameter of the branch in three genotypes of Myrciaria dubia (HBK) "camu camu" for vegetative propagation by air layering. Scientia Agropecuaria, 3(3), 225-233. https://doi.org/10.17268/sci.agropecu.2012.03.04



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