Characterization symptomatology and molecular from papaya ringspot (PRSV) that infects Carica papaya L. in northern Peru


  • Shirley Valderrama Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo
  • Carolina Cedano Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo
  • Jorge Tenorio Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), Lima
  • Javier Romero Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Madrid
  • Segundo Carbajal Universidad Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque



mosaic, distortion, mechanical inoculation, plants infected


The objective of present study was symptomatic and molecular characterization of the virus that infects Carica papaya L. in areas of northern Peru. To do this, of different fields were collected leaves of C. papaya with mosaic symptoms, chlorosis and distortion the leaf. Sap of these leaves was inoculated mechanically onto virus-free plants of C. papaya, Chenopodium murale, Ch. amaranticolor, Ch. quinoa, Cucumis melo, C. sativus and Cucurbita pepo; which they were kept at room temperature for 45 days, after which young leaves in of C. papaya, mosaic, distortion and reduction of the leaf blade was observed; in the species C. melo, C. sativus and Cucurbita pepo systemic chlorosis. Ch. murale, Ch. amaranticolor and Ch. quinoa they no showed symptoms evident. The plants infected were analyzed by serological technique NCM-ELISA and RT-PCR proving that the virus that is infecting the plantations assessed in the north of Peru, it is the papaya ringspot virus (RSVP).


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Recibido 13 enero 2014.

Aceptado 16 noviembre 2015.

Corresponding author: E-mail: (C. Cedano).



How to Cite

Valderrama, S., Cedano, C., Tenorio, J., Romero, J., & Carbajal, S. (2015). Characterization symptomatology and molecular from papaya ringspot (PRSV) that infects Carica papaya L. in northern Peru. Scientia Agropecuaria, 6(4), 241-246.



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