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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under evaluation and/or under consideration of another journal.
  • The sending file is in Microsoft Word, the tables are editable and the figures in image format and of good quality.
  • The text has a double spacing, Times New Roman font, 12 point size and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of the text, not at the end, unless necessary.
  • All the authors declare NOT HAVING CONFLICT OF INTEREST and approve the transfer of the rights of publication, reproduction and commercialization to the SCIENTIA AGROPECUARIA for the versions that it deems convenient.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the GUIDE FOR AUTHORS.
  • Know that, in case the article is accepted, the authors must contribute the amount of S/ 800.00 (or 250.00 US dollars). However, depending on the quality of the manuscript and written in the English language, authors from national and international institutions may be reduced or released from this payment.

Author Guidelines

SCIENTIA AGROPECUARIA is a scientific journal of the Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, which serves as a means of dissemination in a wide range of agricultural issues, so the areas that are prioritized are related to Agronomy, Agriculture, Agribusiness and Zootechnics, including all applications of other sciences to these areas (Ecology and Environment, Applied Computing, Applied Economics, Applied Mathematics, etc.).

SCIENTIA AGROPECUARIA publishes Original Research articles (complete) and Reviews, preferably in the priority areas of the journal, written in SpanishEnglish, or Portuguese, as long as they are certified through peer review. The authors must understand that the content of the contributions is the sole responsibility of the authors, and in no case of the journal or of the entities for which the authors work. The authors must declare that the material sent to SCIENTIA AGROPECUARIA has not been published or sent to other dissemination bodies, whatever their type, nor will it be sent while it is being evaluated in this journal.

Original research articles

They are original works of completed research, not previously published, and aimed at a specialized audience. A complete original research article must have a maximum length of 30 pages, including tables, figures, and bibliographical references (considering Times New Roman 12 points and double-spaced). Supplementary material, annexes, or appendices are not considered in this space.


They are articles with an extension of no more than 60 pages, including tables, figures and bibliographical references (considering Times New Roman 12 points and double-spaced). Supplementary material, annexes, or appendices are not considered in this space. Review articles must be previously reconciled with the Editor of the journal by sending the title, abstract, index and bibliographic references to


Article format

Original research articles (Also applies to systematic, bibliometric reviews and meta-analysis) should be written in the following format:

Title in English

Name and surname of the author or authors, indicating with an asterisk (*) the corresponding author. 

Institutional affiliation: indicate the name of the institution (followed by its geographical location) to which the authors belong using numerical calls (1, 2, 3, etc.) for each author. The name of the institution is a proper name; therefore, it should always keep its original name.

ORCID of each author: Mandatory includes the ORCID link of all authors. Authors who do not have this identifier must enter ORCID, create their ID and supply it with information (author data, affiliation, publications, projects, etc.). Important: Authors must ensure that their area in ORCID has the personal information indicated above..

Abstract: must contain a maximum of 250 words.

Keywords: between five and seven, separated by a semicolon.

Graphical abstract: Specially designed figure to capture the content of the article at a glance.

Introduction: It must contain four aspects (context of the problem, background, scientific gap, and objective of the study).

Methodology: here the procedures executed are described according to the specific objectives of the study.

Results and discussion: as the results are shown, they are interpreted and analyzed with support from other previously published studies or using some well-founded criteria. 

Conclusions: They constitute the main point for future research and should be written in a brief, precise manner and according to the objectives set. They should also include recommendations for future research and the benefits of its results. Do not use scripts or bullets to separate them; write the conclusions in the text that follows.

Acknowledgments (optional): the studies derived from financed projects must contain a thank-you to the financial entity, including the corresponding identifier.

References, as indicated below.


Narrative Reviews

Introduction: the importance and/or justification of the reviewed topic is exposed, a quick summary of the topics covered is provided, and the objective of the review. Normally, the introduction of a review article is half the length of a full original research article.

Body of the review: contains the state of the art of the subject matter, structured in sections or chapters, ordered logically or in common sense, for the reader's good understanding.

Current and future challenges: here the revised theory is analyzed and discussed, as is the current situation and the future direction or projection that is glimpsed of the topic discussed, and recommendations are given for future research work. 

Important: All units of measurement must be expressed according to the International System of Units.

Titles and subtitles should not have the final point.
Avoid footnotes, although it is possible to include table footnotes.

To list sections, the ISO standard will be used (1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1 / 2 / 2.1 / 2.1.1 / etc.)

Do not use hyphens and bullets anywhere in the text, unless necessary.

Do not copy tables or figures from the scientific literature unless it is necessary and you have the corresponding permission to do so. It is desirable and highly valued that authors create their own tables and figures.

When describing work carried out on animals or humans, it must be declared that the international ethical standards for animal research have been complied with. This should appear before the bibliographic references.

Note: The journal prefers and encourages the publication of scientific articles in English, although in this case, a language review by a native speaker is suggested.

Figures and Tables

In "Materials and methods" and "Results and discussion" of an original research article or in the "Introduction", "Body of the review" or "Current and future challenges" of a review article, it is possible to include figures and tables where required, although without exaggerating in their use. A maximum of eight (8) tables can be included to express the results, all of which must have a numbering system, a title, and an adequate distribution (see examples). Every table must be within the text as close as possible to the place where it is referenced and in editable format (never in image format). A table should not have the same information that is already displayed in a figure. In the case of figures (maps, graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.), a maximum of eight (8) can be included, all of which must have an appropriate numbering, title, and legend. Make sure that the quality of the figure is adequate, and that the text and numbers included in the figure are legible. Figures must be in image format (see examples). All tables and figures must be cited in the text.

Authors' contribution

Include in the article, before the bibliographical references, the "Authors' contribution" section. Make use of the CRediT taxonomy:

Example: J. P. Cruz-Tirado: Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Visualization. D. F. Barbin: Methodology, Investigation, Writing – review & editing, Resources, Supervision, Project administration. R. Siche: Methodology, Investigation, Writing – review & editing, Resources, Funding acquisition.

Citation and reference style

The citations and bibliography style will be in APA (6th Edition or later). All the publications cited in the text must be listed in the references section, and vice versa, all the listed references must have been cited in the text. An important indication to take into account here is that at least 75% of the references must be original articles published in English and at least 50% from the last 5 years. Minimize the use of books, theses, and/or web pages as much as possible. Do not include DOI numbers in references, for example:

Velásquez, L., Cruz-Tirado, J.P., Siche, R., & Quevedo, R. (2017). An application based on the decision tree to classify the marbling of beef by hyperspectral imaging. Meat Science, 133, 43-50.

Neither scientific articles, theses, nor books should be cited as web pages, even though they are available on the web.

Description of the procedures for sending and managing the manuscripts

The corresponding author or whoever is designated will make the submission using the journal's platform  (if you have problems registering, you can send via the journal's email) attaching the following documents:

1. Manuscript in Word format

2. Declarations in PDF and according to the model (DOWNLOAD) File/Download, signed only by the corresponding author.

3. Report similarity using any anti-plagiarism software that is closest to zero (without considering references, titles of methods, names of institutions, etc., which by their nature cannot be named otherwise).

4. Supplementary Files (Optional)

To facilitate arbitration, authors must send a list of three (3) possible reviewers, specialists in the subject of the article, with their respective email addresses. This does not necessarily imply that the suggested specialists will be the reviewers of the manuscript; this decision is left to the editor's discretion.

NOTE 1: It is possible that the response messages that leave the platform to the registration emails will result in the spam folder; therefore, we request that authors frequently check their spam.

NOTE 2: In case there are technical problems when sending via the platform, you can send the journal via email (, indicating the error presented.

The editor verifies if the material sent complies with the editorial line and conditions requested in this instruction guide. If there is compliance, the article is submitted to a peer review system, using a minimum of two (2) reviewers or external evaluators, so that within a maximum period of thirty days they can express their opinions (according to the "Opinion Sheet"), recommending the acceptance or rejection of the article. The names of the reviewers remain anonymous to the author(s) throughout the process. The average time for this process is 2 to 4 months. The journal has as an important condition that the total time between receipt and publication of the article is not greater than 6 months.

If the article does not comply with the editorial policy or conditions requested in this Guide, the Editor reserves the right to send a report to the author to change or remake their article, totally or partially, with the authors having to start the submission process again. The authors must take into account that the first response is given within a maximum of 15 days. During this period, the Editor (or an associate editor), in addition to verifying compliance with the journal's editorial policy, carries out a prior review of the possibilities of publication of the article. The result may be (a) rejected, or (b) accepted for initiation of the peer review process. This allows the journal not to have an overload in peer review and, in addition, so that the authors can quickly make a decision to send their article to another journal. In the event of a rejection at this stage, the editor informs about the reasons for the refusal.

Opinion Sheet (for reviewers)

The reviewers answered the following questions:
1. Does the manuscript represent a new and original contribution?
2. Is the summary adequate?
3. Are the keywords appropriate?
4. Does the material sent clearly specify the purpose of the work?
5. Is the method, strategy, intervention, or experiment suitable, applicable, and replicable?
6. Are the results valid for other contexts and realities?
7. Is the declared objective achieved?
8. Is adequate and updated bibliography cited for the development of the topic?
9. Do you consider that the conclusions are in accordance with the information presented?
10. Should the material be revised in terms of style, spelling, and grammar?
11. How would you rate this manuscript? Outstanding__; Very good__; Good__; Regular__; Deficient__.
12. Is the article accepted for publication? YES, in its current form; YES, with some modifications; YES, after a major revision; NO, it must be rejected.

After the return of the opinions, these are sent to the author to take into account the suggestions and/or comments of the reviewers and resubmit the manuscript. The procedure is repeated until there are no observations, and it is decided by the publication. It could be the case of a rejection of the publication when the removal of the observations is not satisfactory for the reviewers or editors.


Contributions per publication

For the maintenance of the journal, authors will be asked to contribute 250 USD per article (without taxes and fees for transfers), once it has been accepted for publication

Note: While the manuscript is being evaluated for publication, it can not be sent to other journals. Once approved for publication, all rights of reproduction in whole or in part will go to the journal "Scientia Agropecuaria".

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.