About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Scientia Agropecuaria is an international journal for researchers interested in agricultural topics. The journal's aim is to disseminate knowledge in all main branches of agricultural sciences, so the areas that are prioritized are related to agronomy, farm, agroindustrial and husbandry, including the applications of other sciences (ecology, environment, applied computing, applied economy, applied math, etc.) to these areas. Scientia Agropecuaria is a quarterly journal. It publishes research papers, reviews and short communications, preferably in the prioritized areas of the journal, written in Spanish, English or Portuguese, and provided their quality is certified through peer reviews.

The content of contributions is the sole responsibility of the authors and not of the journal or entities for which the authors work. It requires that items shipped to SCIENTIA AGROPECUARIA are original, ie, which have not been published or sent to other organs broadcast whatever kind.

Authors should keep strictly respect the rules of ethics as established by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE). Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the same authors without proper citation, and misappropriation of the work, are unacceptable practices. The cases of ethical misconduct are treated seriously and will be treated according to the COPE guidelines. By submitting the manuscript to the journal, it is understood that this is an original manuscript is unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere work. Plagiarism, duplicate publication including work, in whole or in part, without proper citation is not tolerated by the magazine. Manuscripts submitted to the journal, to verify its originality, they can be reviewed using anti-plagiarism software.

Peer Review Process

The Editor verifies if the material sent matches the editorial line and conditions requested in this instruction guide. If there is compliance, the article is submitted to a system of peer review, using at least two (2) reviewers or external evaluators, so that within a maximum period of twenty days they express their opinions (according to the "Sheet of Opinion"), recommending the acceptance or rejection of the article. If the article does not conform to the editorial line or conditions requested in this Instruction Guide, the Editor reserves the right to send a report to the author to change or rewrite his article, in whole or in part, with the authors having to start the process again, sending off your work. In the worst case, the manuscript is rejected and communicated to the authors, attaching a report with the reasons for the denial. The names of the reviewers remain anonymous to the author (s) throughout the process.


Sheet of Opinion

The reviewers answer the following questions:
1. Does the manuscript represent a new and original contribution?
2. Is the summary adequate?
3. Are the keywords appropriate?
4. Does the material sent clearly specify the purpose of the work?
5. Is the method, strategy, intervention, or experiment suitable, applicable, and replicable?
6. Are the results valid for other contexts and realities?
7. Is the declared objective achieved?
8. Is adequate and updated bibliography cited for the development of the topic?
9. Do you consider that the conclusions are in accordance with the information presented?
10. Should the material be revised in terms of style, spelling, and grammar?
11. How would you rate this manuscript? Outstanding__; Very good__; Good__; Regular__; Deficient__.
12. Is the article accepted for publication? YES, in its current form; YES, with some modifications; YES, after a major revision; NO, it must be rejected.

After the return of the opinions, these are sent to the author to take into account the suggestions and/or comments of the reviewers and resubmit the manuscript. The procedure is repeated until there are no observations and it is decided by the publication. It could be the case of a rejection of the publication when the removal of the observations is not satisfactory for the reviewers or editors.

Citations and Metrics

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  • Fundación Trujillo para el Desarrollo Educativo y Social
  • Editorial Universitaria

Journal History

Scientia Agropecuaria was established on December 4, 2009 with RD No. 898-2009-FAC.CC.AGROP. Also, with RD 105-2010-FAC.CC.AGROP was constituted the first Editorial Board of the journal. The June 28, 2010, at the Cámara de Comercio y Producción de La Libertad (Peru), was officially presented the journal, with the presence of the academic authorities of Universidad Nacional de Trujillo and representatives of private business.