Time and particle size of Musa Sapientum shell on the adsorption of Cu and Pb in mining effluent


  • Hans Roger Portilla Rodríguez 1Escuela de Posgrado Doctorado en Ciencias e Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Av. Juan Pablo II s/n – Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6014-9243
  • Martin Taboada Neira 2Departamento académico de Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo Av. Juan Pablo II s/n – Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, Perú. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4462-1012
  • Steysi Jamely Portilla Jauregui 3Escuela de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad Privada del Norte, Trujillo-Perú https://orcid.org/0009-0007-4355-8003
  • Juan Antonio Vega Gonzalez 2Departamento académico de Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo Av. Juan Pablo II s/n – Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, Perú. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8413-8792
  • Aldo Roger Castillo Chung 2Departamento académico de Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo Av. Juan Pablo II s/n – Ciudad Universitaria, Trujillo, Perú. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2270-1671
  • Katherine Perez Rodas 4Escuela de Posgrado Maestría en Ciencias con Mención en Riesgos Ambientales https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2214-0450




Mining efluente, heavy metals, solid waste, contact time, particle size


The study focused on the reduction of solid waste, especially banana peels, and the treatment of effluents generated by mining, which contain heavy metals such as lead (Pb) and copper (Cu). It was observed that banana peel (Musa Sapientum) can be used to reduce the concentration of these metals in mining effluent discharges. The results showed a decrease in the concentrations of Pb and Cu, from 50,25 mg/L and 21,75 mg/L to 21,70 mg/L and 14,61 mg/L, respectively. The treatment time with banana peel increased the removal efficiency: treatment from 10 to 120 minutes improved the removal of copper (from 31,86% to 32,61%) and lead (from 53,96% to 56,26%). In addition, the particle size of the shell influenced the absorption capacity: the smaller the particle size (from 0,147 mm to 0,074 mm), the higher the absorption rates of both metals, reaching 32,66% absorption of copper and 55,80% of lead. The statistical results (ANOVA) indicated that both the particle size and the treatment time have a positive impact on the removal of these metals, with a p value less than 0,05. In conclusion, it is determined that the ideal treatment period is 120 minutes and the optimal particle size for the highest absorption of heavy metals is 0,074 mm.


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How to Cite

Portilla Rodríguez, H. R. ., Taboada Neira, M. ., Portilla Jauregui, S. J. ., Vega Gonzalez, J. A. ., Castillo Chung, A. R. ., & Perez Rodas, K. . (2024). Time and particle size of Musa Sapientum shell on the adsorption of Cu and Pb in mining effluent. Revista CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 20(4), 73-85. https://doi.org/10.17268/rev.cyt.2024.04.06



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