Scientia Agropecuaria <p><strong>Scientia Ag</strong><strong>ropecuaria</strong> es una revista científica de periodicidad trimestral, que fomenta la generación y diseminación del conocimiento científico, publicando trabajos originales y de revisión en el campo de las ciencias agropecuarias<em>. </em>Actualmente está indizada en: SCOPUS, ESCI (Web of Science), DOAJ, Chemical Abstracts Services, AGRIS/FAO, Redalyc, SciELO, REDIB, DIALNET, BASE, MIAR, LATINDEX, Sherpa Romeo.</p> es-ES <p>Los autores que publican en esta revista aceptan los siguientes términos:</p> <p>a. Los autores conservan los derechos de autor y conceden a la revista el derecho publicación, simultáneamente licenciada bajo una licencia de <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons</a> que permite a otros compartir el trabajo, pero citando la publicación inicial en esta revista.</p> <p>b. Los autores pueden celebrar acuerdos contractuales adicionales separados para la distribución no exclusiva de la versión publicada de la obra de la revista (por ejemplo, publicarla en un repositorio institucional o publicarla en un libro), pero citando la publicación inicial en esta revista.</p> <p>c. Se permite y anima a los autores a publicar su trabajo en línea (por ejemplo, en repositorios institucionales o en su sitio web) antes y durante el proceso de presentación, ya que puede conducir a intercambios productivos, así como una mayor citación del trabajo publicado (ver <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">efecto del acceso abierto</a>).</p> (Dr. Raúl Siche) (Raúl Siche) mar, 18 feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Semillas como subproducto del procesamiento de frutas en la industria de alimentos: Composición proximal, perfil fitoquímico y aprovechamiento en el marco de la economía circular <p>Este estudio analiza el potencial de 12 semillas de la región del Perú como subproducto del procesamiento de frutas como una alternativa sostenible para la reducción de desechos y la valorización de compuestos bioactivos. Se destaca su composición química y el papel que pueden desempeñar en la recuperación de compuestos bioactivos con propiedades antioxidantes, antimicrobianas y funcionales. Abordando la posibilidad de utilizar los subproductos de frutas en diversos sectores industriales, como el alimentario, farmacéutico y nutracéutico, contribuyendo así a la economía circular y a un manejo más sostenible de los recursos naturales. La revisión menciona la importancia de abordar desafíos como la presencia de antinutrientes y contaminantes, así como la evaluación de métodos de procesamiento que permitan reducir estos compuestos, resaltando la necesidad de garantizar su seguridad para el consumo y su viabilidad en distintos sectores, incluyendo el alimentario, cosmético y farmacéutico.</p> Luz María Paucar-Menacho, Jordy Campos-Rodriguez, Cesar Moreno-Rojo, Saúl Ricardo Chuqui-Diestra, Saul Eusebio-Lara Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria lun, 24 mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Long-Term impact of rice cultivation on soil quality indicators in Northern Amazonia Savanna <p>Changes in soil attributes following changes in management strategies in rice cultivation can alter soil quality, either positively or negatively. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil quality indicators, based on physical, chemical and microbiological soil attributes in Amazonian savanna under rice cultivation with different ages. The research was conducted in five areas under continuous rice cultivation during 1, 3, 8, 13, and 25 years, compared with local reference native vegetation. Soil samples were collected at 0-10 cm depth and evaluated for physical attributes such as texture and bulk density, chemical properties such as soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, exchangeable cations, available P, pH, CEC and C/N ratio; and microbiological attributes like microbial biomass carbon, soil microbial respiration, metabolic ratio and microbial coefficient. Acid phosphatase and urease activity were evaluated. With longer periods of time of rice cultivation, soil quality was enhanced with increasing soil fertility, increased soil organic carbon content and enzyme activity. The paddy soil indicators were sensitive to changes in rice cultivation and its duration. Acid phosphatase activity and available phosphorus increased with longer time of rice cultivation, indicating a possible conversion of inorganic into organic phosphorus forms, corroborated by increasing phosphatase activity. Microbiological (SMB-C, SBR, qMIC and qCO<sub>2</sub>) and biochemical (urease and acid phosphatase) indicators, as well as soil organic carbon and total nitrogen were highly sensitive to land use changes. Chemical and microbiological indicators are suitable for estimating paddy soil quality in lowland of Amazonian savanna.</p> Valdinar Ferreira Melo, Ariane Evald, Paulo Roberto Ribeiro Rocha, Sandra Cátia Pereira Uchôa, Ricardo Manuel Bardales-Lozano, Zachary Senwo, Apollinaire Adandonon Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria mar, 18 feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Hongos fitopatógenos foliares asociados al cultivo de Prunus persica L.: Identificación morfológica y molecular, y control biológico con Trichoderma asperelloides <p>La presencia de hongos fitopatógenos foliares ocasiona severos daños en hojas y frutos de durazno (<em>Prunus persica </em>L.), en zonas productoras del sur de Chihuahua, México, lo que ha ocasionado una disminución en su producción en un 30%. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar morfológica y molecularmente los hongos fitopatógenos foliares asociados al cultivo del duraznero evaluando la patogenicidad en plantas de un año contra <em>Trichoderma asperelloides</em>. Se recolectaron hojas con lesiones color café y marrón en frutos momificados en planta de 19 huertos comerciales de durazno distribuidos en tres municipios de producción regional y nacional en el Estado de Chihuahua México. La identificación de hongos de cuatro aislamientos representativos se realizó utilizando métodos morfológicos. caracterización y análisis filogenético basado en la región espaciadora transcrita interna (ITS1 e ITS4) de ADN ribosomal, parte del factor de elongación de traducción 1-alfa (TEF) un segundo cebador secundario por cada uno de los géneros para, <em>Collectotrichum</em> ACT-512F y ACT-583R, <em>Fusarium</em> con EF1. Para las confrontaciones en planta se inoculo una concentración de 1x10<sup>6</sup> conidios. mL<sup>-1</sup> de patógenos como de <em>T. asperelloides,</em> evaluando el diámetro y longitud de hoja, altura, severidad e incidencia. Se logró identificar la presencia de <em>Fusarium sambucinum, Collectotrichum gleosporoides</em> y<em> Monilinia frutícola, </em>además la cepa B-F-M1-A2-ACCH-3 de <em>F. Sambucinum</em> obtuvo los valores más altos en la inhibición de las variables de respuesta y en severidad <em>Monilinia frutícola </em>presentó 61,23% como el valor más alto. Se recomienda usar la cepa 3 como control biológico de fitopatógenos foliares.</p> Ángel Ceballos-Chávez, Fernando Valenzuela Escoboza, Quintín Ayala Armenta, Everardo López Bautista, Héctor Márquez Lujan, Blanca López-Valenzuela Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria mar, 18 feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Multilocus identification and pathogenetic characterization of Colletotrichum endophyte and pathogen species isolated from cocoa leaves and pods (Theobroma cacao) in Ecuador <p>Cacao cultivation is one of the main agricultural products of Ecuador, known internationally for its quality and aroma. However, it is affected by fungal diseases including <em>Moniliophthora roreri, Moniliophthora perniciosa, Phytophthora</em> spp., and <em>Colletotrichum</em> spp. The genus <em>Colletotrichum</em> spp. is known for its characteristics that complicate traditional taxonomic identification. In cacao cultivation, it is one of the most frequently found species as an endophyte of leaves and fruits, yet it is also reported to cause the disease known as anthracnose on leaves and fruits. The objective of this work was to identify at the species level 16 <em>Colletotrichum</em> isolates, 13 from healthy leaf endophytes and 3 from pods with symptoms, through multilocus analysis of the ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 region, and partial sequences of the TUB2 and GAPDH genes. Subsequently, their pathogenicity was evaluated by inoculating healthy cacao pods and measuring the damage caused. The 16 isolates were identified as follows: from the <em>gloeosporioides</em> complex, <em>C. siamense</em> 6, <em>C. chrysophilum</em> 6, <em>C. theobromicola</em> 2 and from the boninense complex, <em>C. karstii</em> 2. The most frequently found species were those that caused symptoms, especially <em>C. siamense</em>, to which the strains were isolated from symptomatic pods belonged. This work provides relevant and accurate information about the diversity of <em>Colletotrichum</em> species that colonize cocoa plantations and identifies which species might cause the disease known as anthracnose. Additionally, it allows for a more precise diagnosis and consequently better treatment.</p> Fernando Espinoza-Lozano, Mirian Villavicencio-Vasquez, Lizette Serrano, Daynet Sosa, Jonathan Coronel-León, Marcos Vera-Morales Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria mar, 18 feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Environmental enrichment using low walls and perches improves broiler welfare, without compromising productivity <p>The study evaluated the impact of different environmental enrichment strategies on the performance and welfare of commercially raised broilers. The research, conducted in Paraná, Brazil, involved 690 birds allocated to three types of environments: control, with a low wall, and with a perch. The performance of the birds was monitored through indicators such as feed conversion, live weight (plucked and eviscerated), and cut yields (wing, thigh, drumstick, breast, and back weight). There were no significant differences in feed conversion and yields between the environments, except for wing weight, which was higher in environments with a perch for males. Females raised in an environment with a low wall showed higher live and eviscerated weight, while thigh weight was lower in environments with a perch. Welfare variables, such as <em>Latency to Lie</em> and <em>Fluctuating Asymmetry</em>, showed no significant differences between the environments. However, females in the control and low wall environments had a higher incidence of calluses on their feet compared to those in the perch environment. Joint injuries (<em>Hock Health</em>) did not show significant differences between the types of enrichment. These results suggest that, although environmental enrichment may benefit some aspects of welfare, its impact on broiler performance and joint health needs to be better understood, particularly in relation to the long-term effects of different enrichment types on locomotor health, muscle development, and the prevention of joint injuries. Future studies should focus on the physiological mechanisms behind these effects, including the role of enrichment in reducing stress and promoting more natural behaviors that may influence bone density and joint function.</p> Claudia Helena Ferreira Zago-Dias, Angélica Signor-Mendes, Elisandro Rafael Dias, Tiago Venturini, Rusbel Raul Aspilcueta Borquis, Irenilza de Alencar-Nääs Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria lun, 24 mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Intelligent biofilm with blueberry extract, rice straw nanocellulose and polyvinyl alcohol: Characterization and its application in visual freshness monitoring in tilapia fillets <p>Intelligent packaging represents a sustainable solution for food preservation by enabling the monitoring of freshness through chromatic changes. In this study, a biofilm based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), nanocellulose (NC) extracted from rice straw and blueberry extract was developed and evaluated for its performance as a visual freshness indicator in tilapia fillets. Nanocellulose, obtained by TEMPO oxidation, exhibited proper integration into the polymeric matrix according to transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis. The biofilms improved their mechanical properties with the addition of NC, by increasing tensile strength and reducing water solubility. However, the incorporation of anthocyanins increased solubility and water vapor permeability due to their hydrophilic character. Despite this, their high chromatic sensitivity to pH allowed for color changes: red in acidic media (pH 2-4) and green/brown in alkaline media (pH &gt; 9). These visual changes validate the potential of anthocyanins as freshness indicators, positioning biofilms as a functional and sustainable alternative to conventional packaging. In addition to enabling real-time monitoring, these biofilms can contribute to reducing food waste and fostering more sustainable solutions in the packaging industry, with significant potential for innovative commercial applications.</p> B. A. Viloche-Villar, M. P. Obando-Padilla, D. A. Medina-Bocanegra, Hernán Alvarado-Quintana, F. J. Hurtado-Butrón, C. Sopán-Benaute, J. C. Rodriguez-Soto, Yulissa Ventura-Avalos, J. C. Alcántara, F. Vilaseca, G. Barraza-Jáuregui Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria lun, 24 mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Energy efficiency of heating machines and its effects on broiler's performance and welfare <p>The increasing global demand for animal protein has driven the broiler industry to optimize production systems and better understand limiting factors affecting performance. This study evaluated four different heating systems to determine their correlation with climatic variables, zootechnical performance, pellet fuel consumption, and energy usage. Data were obtained from a private broiler integration company in Southwest Paraná, Brazil, specializing in the griller broiler category. The study covered a 28-day housing period for 12 flocks (both male and female), each consisting of approximately 120,000 birds, for 28 days. The analyzed variables included indoor and outdoor environmental temperature, relative air humidity, carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentration inside the poultry houses, feed conversion ratio, weight gain, pellet fuel consumption, and energy consumption. Statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in R software. Results indicated that correlations among variables were generally weak. However, environmental conditions had the greatest influence on broiler performance. The first principal component explained 74.1% of the total variance, with minimum CO₂ concentration, external temperature, minimum and maximum internal temperature, and pellet fuel consumption being key contributing factors. The second principal component included maximum CO₂ concentration, weight gain, and minimum internal and external relative humidity. Among the evaluated heating systems, the fourth machine tested exhibited the lowest pellet fuel consumption while maintaining satisfactory weight gain and feed conversion rate despite its relatively high energy consumption. These findings suggest that temperature control and pellet fuel consumption are critical factors in optimizing broiler production efficiency, ultimately contributing to improved growth performance and resource utilization.</p> Diandra Masurana-Jahn, Angélica Signor-Mendes, Cléverson de Souza, Ygor Caldeira-Canterle, Edgar de Souza-Vismara, Isadora Bischoff-Nunes, Irenilza de Alencar-Nääs Derechos de autor 2025 Scientia Agropecuaria lun, 24 mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000