Agropecuaria2024-11-12T13:05:52+00:00Dr. Raúl Journal Systems<p><strong>Scientia Ag</strong><strong>ropecuaria</strong> es una revista científica de periodicidad trimestral, que fomenta la generación y diseminación del conocimiento científico, publicando trabajos originales y de revisión en el campo de las ciencias agropecuarias<em>. </em>Actualmente está indizada en: SCOPUS, ESCI (Web of Science), DOAJ, Chemical Abstracts Services, AGRIS/FAO, Redalyc, SciELO, REDIB, DIALNET, BASE, MIAR, LATINDEX, Sherpa Romeo.</p> del cadmio en el contenido de pigmentos fotosintéticos, estructura de la raíz, y concentración de nutrientes en plantas de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)2024-09-28T12:45:48+00:00Paulina Beatriz Gutiérrez-Martí Catalina Ramírez-Herná Mariel<p>El cadmio es un contaminante que causa daños a los organismos, en plantas provoca un retraso en el crecimiento, altera la función fotosintética y la concentración de nutrientes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia del Cd (0, 0,25, 0,50 y 1 µM) en el contenido de clorofila, daño estructural a la raíz, y la absorción y translocación de nutrientes (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Fe y Zn) en plantas de <em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> var. Opus. Se observó un incremento en la clorofila a en concentraciones de 0,25 y 1 µM de Cd, la clorofila b aumentó en los tres tratamientos con Cd y el contenido de carotenoides disminuyó en todos los tratamientos. Las raíces mostraron daño estructural por el incremento del Cd. Con relación a los nutrientes, el Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn en hoja y el K en tallo aumentaron sus concentraciones al incrementar la dosis de Cd; contrariamente el K en raíz disminuyó al aumentar las concentraciones de Cd; para el caso del Fe disminuyó respecto al tratamiento control en todos los órganos evaluados. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el estrés por el Cd a bajas concentraciones estimula la síntesis de clorofila, además las diferentes concentraciones de este contaminante, provoca sinergismos y antagonismos en los diferentes órganos de <em>P. vulgaris</em>, lo que conlleva a desórdenes nutricionales. Al ser un cultivo de importancia mundial, investigar los mecanismos moleculares y transportadores de membrana en raíces de <em>P. vulgaris</em> expuestas al Cd, es importante para mejorar su resistencia al Cd.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria medicine based on montmorillonite clay from Western Kazakhstan for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in farm animals2024-09-28T12:54:52+00:00Nurgul Montayevsarsenbekmontayev@gmail.comMarina<p>The relevance of this research is associated with the great potential of using montmorillonite clay for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of important farm animals and the lack of knowledge of these issues in modern literature. The paper was aimed at studying the toxicity, therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of a veterinary drug developed based on montmorillonite clay of Western Kazakhstan for bovine gastroenteritis. The paper involved clinical, laboratory and pathoanatomical research methods. The obtained data were analysed using statistical methods. Oral administration of the developed veterinary drug did not have a significant effect on the parameters of the biochemical blood test of rats (p > 0.05) and the morphology of their internal organs after 2 weeks. The developed drug does not have toxicity; it can be attributed to the class of low-hazard substances. With a high degree of probability (p < 0.05), it can be argued that the veterinary drug improves the results of the standard treatment regimen for acute gastroenteritis in Kazakh whitehead cattle by 15%-30%. With a probability of 95%, it can be argued that the addition of the developed veterinary drug to the diet for 30 days led to a decrease in the incidence of gastroenteritis by 2.3 - 3.5 times among cattle. In addition, metabolic processes in the body of animals significantly (p < 0.05) improved in the three experimental groups, compared with the control group, in which cattle received a standard diet. Pathological and anatomical study and histological examination of organs and tissues of cows did not reveal significant differences between animals from the experimental and control groups. The results obtained may be useful in the development of effective methods for the treatment and prevention of gastroenteritis in cattle.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria rhizobial diversity in tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) by trapping with pea (Pisum sativum)2024-09-28T15:19:37+00:00S. Sangay-Tuctosheenasangay@gmail.comC. Le Zúñiga-Dá<p>Tara (<em>Caesalpinia spinosa</em>) is an emblematic legume tree of Peruvian dry forests and is a multi-purpose tree for tannins and gum, in particular. Despite its importance, the microbiological aspects associated with tara are not currently considered in forest management, and its nodulation status remains contentious. This study sought to confirm or deny <em>C. spinosa’s</em> nodulation status and, using <em>P. sativum</em> as a trap plant, to investigate the effects of <em>C. spinosa</em> on rhizospheric rhizobial communities. The study revealed a lack of tara nitrogenase activity and that <em>C. spinosa</em> is a non-nodulating species. Soil samples were collected from a tara plantation to investigate their effect on tara and pea growth, in a tara planting row (R), between 2 rows (IR), and outside the plantation (OP). For the total biomass growth parameter, soil R significantly promoted tara and pea growth. For root length and leaf chlorophyll content, there was a significant difference in favor of <em>C. spinosa</em> grown on R and IR soils compared with OP soil. Fifty-seven pea strains were characterized by analyzing the partial 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer. The phylogenetic tree showed high diversity with five clusters of <em>Rhizobium</em> spp. in the <em>R. leguminosarum</em>–<em>etli </em>clade and phylogenetic specificity according to soil origin. This study provides information of interest on the non-nodulating nature of <em>C. spinosa</em> and demonstrates the substantial influence of tara on rhizospheric bacterial communities. The results of this study highlight the need to integrate microbiological factors into forest management strategies to improve the ecological sustainability and agricultural yield of tara plantations.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuariaón composicional y estructural de once tipos de biomasa lignocelulósica y su potencial aplicación en la obtención de nanopolisacáridos y producción de polihidroxialcanoatos2024-09-28T15:27:06+00:00D. Cruz-Monzó Morán-Gonzá Rojas-Fermí Barraza-Já<p>La valorización y utilización de la biomasa lignocelulósica proveniente del procesamiento de alimentos para la obtención de productos con valor añadido es crucial para mejorar la sostenibilidad y reducir costos de gestión de residuos, permitiendo transformar los desechos agroindustriales en recursos valiosos, contribuyendo a la economía circular. Este estudio se enfocó en la caracterización composicional y estructural de once tipos de biomasa lignocelulósica (BLC) con el fin de evaluar su potencial en la producción de nanopolisacáridos y polihidroxialcanoatos. Se analizaron parámetros como humedad, ceniza, proteínas, extractivos, carbohidratos estructurales y lignina en cáscaras de maracuyá, brácteas de alcachofa, cáscaras de espárrago, limón, naranja, semilla de palta, papa, yuca, bagazo de caña de azúcar, cáscara de arroz y paja de arroz. Los resultados mostraron que las cáscaras de frutas y otros residuos presentaron un alto contenido de extractivos (28,05%), mientras que el contenido de lignina y carbohidratos estructurales varió entre 69,66% y 30,53% y 22,2% y 8,84%, respectivamente. Además de la caracterización, se exploró el potencial de esta BLC para la producción de biopolímeros, destacando su relevancia en diversas industrias como la alimentaria y la ingeniería de materiales. En este sentido, estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia de utilizar recursos naturales locales de forma sostenible, abriendo nuevas oportunidades para desarrollar aplicaciones innovadoras como emulsiones pickering, envases biodegradables, aerogeles, hidrogeles y alimentos funcionales. Estas aplicaciones representan áreas prometedoras para futuras investigaciones y desarrollo tecnológico.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria in soil quality indicators in response to land use based on a minimum data set2024-09-28T15:40:52+00:00Carlos<p>The Ecuadorian Amazon region is permanently subject to deforestation processes and in parallel to the implementation of agricultural, and livestock management systems that can affect soil quality. This study assessed the effect of different land use types on soil quality using the Integrated Soil Quality Index (SQI) and minimum indicators. To do this, it considers representative soil samples, 4 types of land use, and a productive landscape in the province of Pastaza. The land use types evaluated were sugarcane (SC), agrosilvopastoral System (ASPS) silvopastoral timber system (SSTT), and secondary forest (SF). Land use type had significant effects on some soil properties and, therefore, on soil quality. The soil quality index was developed using BD, Ca+Mg/K, and SOM which had the highest weighting values, suggesting a higher contribution to the final SQI. The Soil Quality Index (SQI) showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between the different land uses, establishing the following order: SSPM (0.41) > SC (0.40) > B (0.34) > SASP (0.33). Therefore, the values obtained are considered low to moderate quality with SSPM and SC as the highest quality land uses. It is concluded that soil quality can be assessed and compared more accurately in the studies of land use using the current indexing framework due to its simplicity and quantitative flexibility. However, to evaluate soil quality more comprehensively and precisely, biological properties of soils should also be considered for SQI in future studies.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria analysis, severity of the wilt disease in escabeche pepper (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum) and identification of the causal agent (Phytophthora capsici L.) under subtropical climate conditions in Peru2024-10-22T20:18:03+00:00A. Aragó<p><em>Phytophthora capsici</em> is an aggressive pathogen in escabeche pepper on the Peruvian coast. Root rot has a strong correlation with humidity and environment. Disease behavior was evaluated epidemiologically using spatiotemporal variables. Severity was evaluated according to the advance of the secondary symptom according to grades 1 to 5. Then, coordinates of each plant were established by photogrammetric survey of a field with 1705 escabeche pepper plants. For temporal analysis, severity was adjusted to an exponential model (R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.909) and incidence to a Gompertz model (R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.921) that detected an initial delay of the disease due to temperature. For the spatial analysis, the Global Moran Index (<em>Ii</em>) showed a high spatial dependence of the disease reaching a peak of 0.4 and 0.7 for severity and incidence, respectively. Also, heat maps related to the Local <em>Ii</em> were generated from which an initial source of infestation was determined where the furrow irrigation started in random infestations. Then, the infestation spots were settled in areas of surface water accumulation. Also, rhizosphere samples were collected per plant by degree of severity on V8 or CMA whit PARB and PDA-A selective medium. As a result, significant differences were obtained between grade 1, grade 2, 3, 4 and grade 5. In addition, the effect on yield was significant for plants with grade 4 and 5 with respect to fruit weight (22.3 and 18.5g/fruit) and weight per plant (509.5 and 371.8g/plant), respectively.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria Manufacturing en la producción de alimentos: Revisión sistemática, análisis bibliométrico y propuesta de aplicación2024-10-22T20:33:40+00:00Rosita Iselda Carlos Solano-Gaviñ<p>En un entorno cambiante, la eficiencia y la capacidad de adaptación son esenciales para mejorar la competitividad de las empresas. El presente estudio analizó la aplicación de Lean Manufacturing en la producción de alimentos mediante una revisión de la literatura científica basada en Scopus, utilizando la metodología PRISMA y los softwares Vosviewer y Bibliometrix. A partir del análisis bibliométrico, se evidencia un incremento en las investigaciones sobre Lean Manufacturing en las empresas de alimentos desde 2019, con una tasa de crecimiento anual del 5,96%. Brasil y Perú se destacan por su alta producción científica, mientras que Brasil y Bélgica sobresalen en términos de citaciones. Además, se observa una destacada colaboración científica entre autores de América del Sur y Asia. Se identificaron tres clústeres relevantes: principios, herramientas de implementación y aplicaciones prácticas de Lean Manufacturing. El mapeo temático resaltó los conceptos Reducción de costes, Monitorización de procesos, Six Sigma y Mapeo de flujo de valor, como temas más prominentes subrayando el interés y aplicaciones en la literatura científica. Se propone la implementación de Lean Manufacturing en siete pasos, facilitando el uso de herramientas ágiles para la optimización de procesos y reducción de desperdicios en las empresas alimentarias. Lean Manufacturing contribuye a mejorar el flujo de productos en la cadena de suministro y en la sostenibilidad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Futuras investigaciones deben centrarse en la adaptación de Lean Manufacturing a diversos contextos y modelos de negocios en el sector agroalimentario.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria watersheds management in Peru: Challenges and perspectives2024-10-22T20:43:55+00:00Karina Garcí Laqui-Estañ Váía Cá<p>Sustainable watershed management stands at the forefront of global efforts to tackle pressing environmental and socio-economic challenges. This study offers a pioneering assessment of the state of research on Peru's watersheds, integrating geographical, environmental, and socio-economic dimensions. By harnessing cutting-edge bibliometric tools, including Bibliometrix and VOSviewer, and adhering to PRISMA guidelines for a systematic review, this work maps the scientific landscape of watershed management in Peru. Utilizing comprehensive databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, the study identifies and analyses key thematic clusters, revealing an escalating focus on the urgent issues of climate change and urbanization, particularly within the critical Rimac River Basin. This basin, vital to the water supply of Lima, the world's second-largest desert city, faces severe threats from pollution and climate instability. Our findings not only chart the evolution of research in this domain but also spotlight emerging opportunities to modernize water management practices through the integration of climate change models, advanced data monitoring, and artificial intelligence. The study makes a compelling case for a collaborative approach, urging stronger alliances among local communities, research institutions, and international stakeholders to foster more resilient and sustainable watershed management strategies in Peru. This paper provides actionable insights, making it an indispensable resource for policymakers and practitioners aiming to secure Peru's water future.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria and carcass traits, partition of fat deposits, and meat quality in culled adult goats finished with high-fat diet2024-11-12T12:50:58+00:00Felipe B. B.ésar C. L. P. M. T. O. P. W. R. A. V. M. Lageíbal C. Rêgoanibalcr@ufc.brDavide<p>The objective of this study was to examine the impact of a high-fat finishing diet on the <em>in vivo</em> performance, anatomical and carcass characteristics, and meat quality of adult culled goats. Over a period of 28 days leading up to slaughter, eighteen adult culled goats were subjected to a finishing diet provided in quantities sufficient to meet 3.0 times the nutritional requirements of adult non-dairy maintenance goats. The female goats were divided into two groups: one fed with the baseline diet without fat supplementation (n = 9) and the other fed a diet concentrated supplemented with whole full-fat linseed (n = 9). The diets varied in fat content (2.8% vs. 8.4% DM). The high-fat group exhibited a higher dry matter intake compared to the control group (+37%), along with elevated plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The control group experienced a significant decrease in daily weight gain between the second and final week of the finishing period (-70%), in contrast to the increase observed in the high-fat group (+59%). At slaughter, no differences were noted between the groups in anatomical and carcass characteristics. Additionally, no differences were found between the diets regarding proximate composition, pH, yellow color component, and lightness of loin. The high-fat group exhibited a higher redness of loin. The inclusion of high-fat levels in finishing diets for culled adult goats allows for increased feed intake and performance but does not appear to affect carcass or meat quality.</p>2024-11-12T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria agricultural technologies improve forage and feed production in the Caatinga biome, Brazil: Characteristics, comparison, effects of climate change, resilience, local development, and food security2024-11-12T13:05:52+00:00Vanina Zini Antunes de Mattosvanina.antunes@ppe.ufjr.brBruna Guerreiro da Costa Parno Guimarã Aurélio Vasconcelos de<p>Adjustments in Brazilian livestock are necessary to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, since the largest source of methane comes from ruminants’ enteric fermentation, and of carbon from deforestation. Low-carbon agriculture technologies (LCAT) contribute to mitigating these emissions and this study evaluates the role of these technologies on ruminant forage production in Caatinga. A Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats analysis was used to elucidate the main features, followed by an Analytic Hierarchical Process, ranking the LCAT, and a risk analysis. Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest System (ICLFS) is the most recommended technology, followed by Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and Recovery of Degraded Areas with Pastures (RDA-P). The results can aid in the choice of the LCAT to be implemented by the smallholder in Caatinga, demonstrating the need to strengthen rural technical assistance, so that there is a real benefit to the producer and the environment.</p>2024-11-12T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria spp. en el cultivo de maíz: Identificación, distribución geográfica, sintomatología, micotoxinas, ciclo de la enfermedad, control, y desafíos actuales y futuros2024-09-28T15:47:36+00:00Jonathan Alexander Solórzano-Solórzanoasolorzano770@gmail.comSergio Miguel Vélez Bertin Vélez<p>La pudrición de mazorca de maíz ocasionada por especies del género <em>Fusarium </em>es uno de los varios problemas que enfrentan los productores a nivel mundial debido a su amplia distribución geográfica, ocasionando varias enfermedades como pudrición de tallo, raíz y mazorca. La identificación del patógeno se realiza a través de técnicas morfológicas y moleculares, siendo la última necesaria para identificación a nivel de especies. Además, el patógeno tiene la capacidad de producir micotoxinas como Deoxinivalenol (DON), Zearalenona (ZEA) y Fumonisinas (FB) las cuales contaminan el grano llegando a representar un riesgo tanto para la salud humana como animal. Esta reportado que el patógeno puede llegar a sobrevivir en los restos del cultivo ingresando a la planta a través de las raíces, a menudo por heridas causadas por insectos o prácticas de cultivo, una vez dentro de las raíces, el fitopatógeno coloniza los vasos del xilema y se transporta a través del sistema vascular de la planta, transportándose sistémicamente dentro de la misma, colonizando el tallo y otros tejidos vasculares llegando así a la mazorca. El uso de cultivares resistentes, el manejo de residuos de cultivos, riego y control biológico de enfermedades son alternativas enmarcadas en las prácticas agrícolas para disminuir la incidencia y propagación de enfermedades causadas por Fusarium. Sin embargo, los desafíos actuales y futuros incluyen la creciente resistencia de los hongos y el impacto del cambio climático en la distribución y severidad de las enfermedades.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria for determination of antioxidant capacity of traditional and emergent crops of interest in Mexico: An overview2024-10-22T20:54:43+00:00Benito Flores-Chá Hernández-Leó Lieseld Guzmá Espitia-Ló Misael Garza-Ló<p>Reactive oxygen species are produced by aerobic organisms, including humans, because of metabolism. They can oxidise biomolecules and cause degenerative and cardiovascular diseases (diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurological damage, among others). However, the consumption of different plant products is related to the prevention of reactive oxygen species–mediated damage because they contain various antioxidants that inhibit the oxidation of biomolecules. Some important natural antioxidants are carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and vitamins. These molecules are found in various crops produced in Mexico, some of which have been cultivated for a long time, while others have emerged in recent years. The study of the antioxidant capacity of these crops has increased over time. Different methods are used to determine this capacity, depending on the type of antioxidants. In this review, we analyse the antioxidant quantification methods of various crops of interest in Mexico (traditional and emergent), as well as their relationship to prevent the oxidation of biomolecules.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2024 Scientia Agropecuaria